Washington state files suit against Comcast for $100 Million!

Everyone who has used Comcast has had their fair share of problems with the service. From outages to throttling and now data caps on their plans! Well It seems that the state of Washington has had enough of it.

A computer screen with the windows 1 0 logo on it.


Comcast offered a $4.99 protection plan in the state that was advertised as insurance for a few common problems that would require a technician. Here is a statement from the Washington AG

A computer screen with the windows 1 0 logo on it.

“lawsuit accuses Comcast of misleading 500,000 Washington consumers and deceiving them into paying at least $73 million in subscription fees over the last five years for a near-worthless ‘protection plan’ without disclosing its significant limitations,” the state AG’s announcement said. “Customers who sign up for Comcast’s Service Protection Plan pay a $4.99 monthly fee ostensibly to avoid being charged if a Comcast technician visits their home to fix an issue covered by the plan.”

They are also alleging Comcast of credit check violations, claiming that the company “improperly obtained a deposit from over 6,000 Washington consumers.”

A man in suit and red tie next to an american flag.

The suit said. “Comcast also requires customers to pay a deposit if the credit screening process reveals the customer has a low credit score. However, Comcast obtained a deposit from thousands of Washington customers with high credit scores, revealing that they improperly ran credit checks on customers who paid a deposit to avoid the credit check, and/or improperly collected deposits from customers who were not required to pay a deposit.”

I predict that Comcast’s high paid lawyers and lobbyists will find a way to convince the judge to throw out the case ($$$) but it just shows how eager they are to swindle you out of your money.



Read the full text of the lawsuit here:http://agportal-s3bucket.s3.amazonaws.com/uploadedfiles/Another/News/Press_Releases/2016_08_01Complaint.pdf

Source: http://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2016/08/washington-state-sues-comcast-says-it-sold-near-worthless-service-plans/